Naked Frau im Stahlhelm waiting for the bus, rauchen

During the Christmas brake I’ve been able to draw a little bit without neglecting any duties? I’m still working on the human figure and it is still as hard as ever but the plastic poser models are great help. I also found an old book with paintings of the great Carl Larsson and got inspired to try and imitate the “thick line” style he used in many paintings.

Detail from a Carl Larsson painting showing the “thick lines”. I don’t know why it is appealing … but it is!

Again, I’ve used a female poser model figure but even though it is a great help, I’m struggling … when sketching, e.g. both the head and breasts as well as feet, gets too big. And the poser model figure has no real feet to look at (but luckily, many exchangable hands).

Sketching with help from plastic poser model.

After sketching the pose, I realized the only way to ‘rescue’ the drawing was to continue in Photoshop, where I could easily resize any overwhelming body parts.

Head, breasts and feet too big … moving on to Photoshop.

In Photoshop, I used basically the same technique as earlier which I’ve learned from the talented RobertoCampus (look him up!) but this time I did not use any ‘smudging’ whatsoever since that gives a too perfect/air brush like finish. Instead, I used a kind of water colour brush, painting all skin tones. Unfortunately, I didn’t see right away that the line art/contours was way to thick resulting in too black contours.

Edit: In this version I have redone the line art and narrowed it for all parts “inside” the body. Ahead, I’ll continue with a colour motive of some sort. For now, I’ve desaturated the whole image and made a black and white poster of … A naked Frau im Stahlhelm, waiting for the bus, rauchen.